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Junior Buckeye League Rules

Junior Buckeye League


Amended 3/28/20

I.Team Eligibility

Note: All exceptions to team eligibility rules must be presented in writing for approval by the Executive Committee.

1.01Each team participating in the JBL must field both a Junior Varsity (JV) and Varsity team, Per Division requirements listed in 1.02

1.02 All community organizations must field a minimum number of JV and Varsity teams to participate in the league based on the OHSAA football division the school it represents as follows:

Division I – 4 teams

Division II – 3 teams

Division III – 2 teams

Division IV – 1 team

Division V – 1 team

Division VI – 1 team

Division VII – 1 team

- Organizations failing to field the minimum number of teams shall not be permitted to participate in the league playoffs for the current season.

1.03 Each community with multiple teams must have a fair and equal draft open to all eligible students of the school district it represents. All communities must present for approval to the Executive Committee their sign-up procedure and draft policy no later than June 1st, of the current season or no later than 1 month prior to their draft of the current season whichever comes first.

1.04 Each multiple team community must keep an up-to-date (current) Draft Policy with the JBL. JBL must be informed of any changes to their Draft Policy and Each Community with multiple teams must also provide that updated policy by the time requirements listed in 1.03

- If an organization is found that did not follow their approved sign up procedure or draft policy that communities teams will not be permitted to play in the post season, if the postseason is over for which they are in violation then they will not be eligible for the following year’s postseason.

II. Player Eligibility

Note: All exceptions to player eligibility rules must be presented in writing for approval to the Executive Committee including those meeting pre-approved criteria.

2.01 All players for a team must be enrolled in the school they represent.

The following are pre-approved exceptions:

A. Homeschoolers living in the district of the team they represent.

2.02 All players must be at least 7 years of age as of August 31st, as of the current year. No player can be 13 years of age as of August 31st, as of the current year.

2.03 No player in a grade higher than 6th may participate.

2.04 No player in a grade higher than 4th may participate in Junior Varsity (JV). JV players must also be less than 11 years old as of August 31st, as of the current year.

The following is a pre-approved exception:

A. If JV a roster of 3rd and 4th graders consists of less than 15 players, 5th graders no more than 120.9 lbs. and less than 11 years old as of August 31st, may be moved from the Varsity to the JV roster as restricted(X) players until the roster of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders reach 15. However, once a 5th grader plays in a JV game, the player is not permitted to play in any Varsity game for the remainder of the season.

2.05 Proof of enrollment, age, and grade is required to be submitted to the Executive Committee for all players no later than one week after school begins for that community.

2.06 Proof of age and grade for all players will be kept with the head coach for all games. A DASL report from the players’ school is the preferred form of proof for players’ enrollment, age, and grade verification. Other acceptable forms of proof are birth certificates and letters of enrollment and grade verification signed by a school administrator.

- If an opposing coach chooses to challenge the eligibility of a player on the day of a game, and the coach of the player in question is unable to provide proof of eligibility immediately, the player will be permitted to participate in the game. However, if the coach of the player in question then fails to provide adequate proof to the Executive Board within 24 hours of the conclusion of the game, the team will be found in violation of the eligibility rules.

- If a team is found in violation of any player eligibility rules all games played with a player in violation will be forfeited, and the Head Coach will be removed for 3 games automatically. This suspension will carry over to the following season if applicable. Additional violations of eligibility rules could result in permanent suspension of a team or coach by the Executive Board.

III. Weight Restrictions

Note: All exceptions to weight restriction rules must be presented in writing for approval by the Executive Committee.

3.01 Any player over 105.9 lbs. on a JV team will be a restricted player and visibly marked with an X on their helmet for the entirety of the season and playoffs.

3.02 Any player over 120.9 lbs. on a Varsity team will be a restricted player and visibly marked with an X on their helmet for the entirety of the season and playoffs.

3.03 Weigh-ins will be held at the annual season “kick off scrimmages” or “Jamboree”. All teams in the JBL must participate in the "Kick off Scrimmages", as to be eligible for that year’s playoffs.

3.04 At the time of weigh-ins, all teams must present a roster including name, jersey number, school, grade, birth date, and age (as of August 31st), to be used as the official weigh-in Document for JBL.

3.05 Players must weigh-in in nothing less than shorts and a t-shirt. Players may only weigh in once.

3.06 Players that choose to not weigh in or not document their weight on the roster will be restricted with an “X" and will follow those guidelines and rules as established for the entirety of the season and playoffs.

3.07 The Executive Committee will schedule a “make up” weigh-in the week prior to the first scheduled game for those players unable to make the initial weigh-in. Players who are unable to make either weigh-in will be restricted for the entirety of the season and playoffs.

3.08 The Executive Committee will schedule a secondary weigh-in after the final game of the regular season and before playoffs begin for the Teams deemed eligible for playoffs, in which players for those teams who weighed within 10 lbs. of the restricted weight limit at the original weigh-in. These players will be offered a 5 lb. allowance for the playoff weigh-in.

3.09 All players that are required to weigh in for the playoffs that weigh in beyond the established playoff weight of 125.9 lbs for Varsity players or 110.9 lbs for JV players will be restricted with an "X" and will be permitted to play under the "X" guidelines and restrictions only.


3.10 Team Coaches must have both JV and Varsity players lined up in the order of the Official Weigh-in Document list and ready to step on the scales. Coaches are required to maintain order and proceed to the required time schedule.

3.11 When a Team checks into the weigh-in area an Executive Committee member and One Coach will check in each player and verify the information before sending the player to the weigh-in scales.

3.12 An Additional Executive Committee person and Coach may randomly verify a player before they step on the weigh-in scale.

3.13 An Executive Committee member at the scale will then relay the player's name and weights to a Committee member to record the player's weight onto the Official Weigh-In sheet as to be retained by the JBL for its records and online posting.

3.14 The JBL will retain all Official Weigh-in sheets. Any additions or changes to the Official weigh-in sheet must be initialed by a current Executive Committee Member for any future references.

3.15 An Authorized Coach and an Executive member must sign off on the completed roster to validate all weights. (Coaches may take pictures of the Official Weigh-in Sheet at this point for future reference) At this point, a Coach may then Collect Badges, Documents, Etc... Provided by the JBL and proceed to the "Scrimmages”.

3.16 A make-up Weigh-in will require an Executive Committee member to Verify, Properly weigh-in, and Initial Signature the Additions on the Official Weigh-in sheet.

IV. Roster

Note: All exceptions to roster rules must be presented in writing for approval by the Executive Committee.

4.01 Team rosters are unlimited.

4.02 An official roster template will be provided by the Executive Committee and will consist of the players’ names, jersey numbers, schools, grade, birth date, age (as of August 31st), and weight.

4.03A Permanent roster is due to the Executive Committee at the weigh-in at which time the Executive Committee will retain its records and online listing. Any players added to a roster after the first game must be approved by the Executive Board.

- If a team is found in violation of a roster rule, all games played with a player in violation will be forfeited.

4.04 Prior to the beginning of each game, an updated roster shall be given to the opposing head coach.

4.05 Any 4th-grade player listed on a JV roster may also play for the Varsity team without being added to the roster provided that the head coach notifies the opposing coach prior to the Varsity game. If the player is restricted in JV, the player will only be restricted at Varsity also if his weight was over 120.9 lbs. at the weigh-in.

- If the player is not declared to the opposing head coach prior to the start of the Varsity game, then the team with a said player in violation will forfeit the game.

V. General Rules of Play

(Section V)

Distribute to Referees Officiating Games prior to all JBL games and scrimmages to alleviate any discrepancies and issues

5.01 A complete game for JV will consist of four 8-minute quarters, with a 7-minute halftime.

5.02 A complete game for Varsity will consist of four 10-minute quarters, with a 7-minute halftime.

5.03Overtime: Each team gets an equal number of possessions, (minimum of 1 and a maximum of 2) Extra points do count. If no team scores or the score is tied after 2 overtimes the game will be ruled officially as a tie. JV starts possessions on the 15-yard line and Varsity on the 20-yard line.

5.04 The clock will run as does an official OHSAA clock.

5.05 Home team is responsible to supply and pay for three licensed OHSAA officials for all games.

- In the event that one of the three officials does not show up for the game, the teams can mutually agree to play with two officials or reschedule the game. Under no circumstances can a game be played with less than two licensed OHSAA officials.

5.06Each offensive team is responsible for their game ball. (Wilson K2, Wilson TDJ, etc.) The Tri county conference have chosen to use the small ball for JV and the Bigger ball for Varsity.

       5.06A Tri County Conference only allows Wilson TDJ for Varsity and K2 for JV. (2025)

                    Official must inspect ball before game.

- If a team cannot provide a suitable football, the team will be required to use the ball provided by the opposing team.

5.07 The score will be cleared from the scoreboard for any point difference greater than 40 points.

5.07A Touch downs will be scored 6 points

Extra point:  Rushing is worth 1 point, Passing and Kicking are worth 2 points.

5.08 There will be no kickoffs. The ball will be placed at the 35-yard line of the receiving team.

5.09 Punts will be a 25-yard walk-off if the offensive team declares that they wish to punt. All punts inside the opponent’s 25-yard line will be placed at the 20-yard line because of touchback rules.

5.10 All restricted players must play in a three or four-point stance on the line of scrimmage.

- First violation will result in a warning; all following violations shall be penalized as offsides.

5.11 Restricted players cannot advance the ball.

- If a restricted player controls the ball, the play will stop and be called dead at that point.

5.12 No more than 6 defenders are permitted on the line of scrimmage at the snap of the ball, except when the line of scrimmage is within the 10-yard line “going in” in which case 8 are permitted. All other players may be no closer than 1.0 yards to the line of scrimmage.

- First violation will result in a warning; all following violations shall be penalized as offsides.

5.13 Junior Varsity may only run a no-huddle offense in the last 2 minutes of the 2nd and 4th quarters.

- First violation will result in a warning; all following violations shall be penalized as delay of game.

5.14Coaches, aides, medical staff, and players only are permitted on the sidelines. One coach per team is permitted from goal line to goal line. All other personnel must stay between the 30-yard lines.

- First violation will result in a warning; all following violations shall be penalized as sideline violations.

5.15 During JV games, one coach is permitted on the offensive side of the field during play. He must remain at least 10 yards behind the line of scrimmage and cannot coach his team after the offensive huddle breaks.

     5.15A Tri County conference allows both coaches but both coaches must be off the field before snap of the ball.

- First violation will result in a warning; all following violations shall be penalized as delay of game.

5.16Any JV defensive player within one yard of the line of scrimmage, tackle to tackle, must be in a down position.

- First violation will result in a warning; all following violations shall be penalized as delay of game

     5.16A  Tri County Conference (Any non lineman must be 3 yards off the ball) 

5.17A team may elect to kick a field goal or extra point. The play will be an untimed down. The kicking team must snap, hold, and kick the ball through the uprights within 10 seconds from the snap of the ball to be considered a successful kick.

5.18 A Kicked Extra point or Field Goal must be performed as a normal play.  The ball snapped between the centers legs and to the holder of the football without hitting the field of play.  It is a dead ball play for the Defense.

5.19During a game, the officials have the final say on the interpretation of these rules and the OHSAA rules. A ruling of an official cannot be appealed.

5.20 Any rules pertaining to the game of football not covered within these rules are governed by the OHSAA rules for high school football.

VI. Additional League Rules

6.01The home team is responsible for calling in the scores after the games. Each team may call in to ensure accuracy. All results are final 48 hours after posting on the website.

6.02It is the responsibility of the Head coach & staff to make a serious effort to control any harassing or threatening behavior from his players or fans.

6.03Any coach ejected from a game by an official will be disqualified from coaching the remainder of the games that day and the following week’s game.

6.04Each team is responsible for providing liability coverage or waiver of some kind in order to maintain the leagues’ integrity and stability.

6.05Any game that needs to be canceled due to inclement weather or some other unforeseen circumstance must be communicated by phone to the opposing organization by 10:00 am the day of the game.

6.06All members of the Junior Buckeye League must participate in all events which will begin at the "Weigh-In, Scrimmages, Jamboree ". Failure to do so may result in expulsion.

6.07Any action taken by an individual or team to intentionally deceive a team or the league may result in expulsion.

6.08All coaches must complete and pass a background check by the league to be permitted on the sidelines.

6.09 All and Any coaches from each team must complete a certified concussion training program annually.

6.10Championship and playoff rules shall be organized by the Executive Committee once all teams are finalized for the season.

6.11The JBL commissioner shall interpret and enforce the rules of this league with the consultation of the Executive Committee.

6.12Rulings of the Commissioner can be appealed to the Executive Committee and may be overturned by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.

VII. Amendments and Exceptions

7.01 Any amendment to the above rules for the current season may be made by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. Amendments passed by the Executive Committee may be overturned by a majority vote of the teams in good standing.

7.02 Any eligibility or roster exception for the current season may be granted by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. Eligibility or roster exceptions granted by the Executive Committee may be overturned by a majority vote of the teams in good standing.

7.03Any amendments or exceptions made by the Executive Committee shall be communicated to all teams promptly.


Filming rule :

-Teams Coaches and Organizations are allowed to scout and take notes of other Teams in the JBL. Filming of Games or Scrimmages that you are directly competing in with your team is allowed. Filming Other Teams while not playing them is Strictly Forbidden.



Championship and Playoffs Criteria

-Division Winners will be decided by division record first and decided by the JBL Tiebreaker Criteria if needed.

-Division Winners will enter and be eligible for the JBL Playoffs automatically.

- To decide any Wildcard or At Large Teams eligible for the JBL Playoffs, Wildcard or At Large Teams will be decided by the overall record as the first criteria and then decided by the JBL Tiebreaker Criteria if needed to enter the playoffs.

- Division Winners will be seeded first in the JBL Playoffs and decided by using the overall record as the first criteria and then decided by the JBL Tiebreaker Criteria if needed to decide to seed.

- Once the Division Winners have been seeded any Wildcard Teams or At Large Teams eligible for the JBL playoffs will be seeded after the Division Winners by the overall record as the first criteria and then decided by the JBL Tiebreaker Criteria if needed to finish the JBL Playoff Seeding.

-JBL Playoffs will begin the following week after the regular season at predetermined locations by JBL and Continue on a weekly basis until the Super Bowl at a predetermined location by JBL.

- The higher seeded team will be considered the Home Team and occupy the Home Team side of the Field. (Exception to this rule would be if a Team hosting the Playoff or Super Bowl game is the lower seed, the higher seeded team will then concede the Home Side of the Field and in that case, the Down Markers will be operated on the Home Side of the Field.)

- Announcers, National Anthems, Concessions, Crowd Control, Down Marker, and Chain Crew will be provided by the Playoff or Super Bowl Hosting Teams.


JBL Tiebreaker Criteria

-Head to Head Play

-Most First Drive Points against tied Teams if all Teams played each other (To include extra points on the first drive also)

-First Drive Points in All Games

-Defensive points are allowed against tied Teams if All Teams played each other

-Defensive points allowed

-Coin Toss

JBL Tiebreaker application:


If two teams are tied:

  • We go thru the tie breaker scenario until one can be placed in playoffs.

               Head-to-Head being first.

If multiple teams are tied (A, B, C). 

  • A Beats B and C. A is in the playoffs.  If all three teams beat each other (A beats B, B beats C, C beats A), we move to the second tiebreaker.  (If all three teams did not play each other we move to the second tiebreaker.)

Most first drive points against all tied teams.

  • If all tied teams score the same 1st drive points versus each other we move to the 3rd Tiebreaker.

  • If A scores 6 and 8 versus B and C.  B and C score 6 and 6 1st drive points versus tied teams, then A moves into the playoffs.  If more teams are needed B and C move back to the Head-to-head Category.

Another Example

  • If teams A and B score 6 and 8 points versus tied teams and team C scores 6 and 6 versus tied teams, then team C is removed from the process and A and B move back to the Head-to-Head

  • Category.


Each time a team is removed from the process or added to the playoffs the tiebreakers start all over.








Addendum 1: Background Check Guidelines

Junior Buckeye League (JBL)

Volunteer Background Screening Policies and Procedures

Adopted 2015

1. Purpose

As our society increases its awareness of the problems associated with situations where children are placed at risk of abuse, organizations involved with America's youth must work diligently to provide them with a safe environment. Therefore, the Junior Buckeye League (JBL) shall require criminal background checks of all youth sports volunteers and shall not knowingly allow any volunteer found guilty of the disqualifying offenses defined in this policy or having committed any acts that would indicate behavior that would have a detrimental effect on children, to be placed in a position that may involve contact with children.

2. Applicability, Approval, and Enforcement

This policy shall apply to the following volunteers who may come into contact with children, including but not limited to coaches, assistant coaches, administrators, board members, and any other youth sports volunteers as determined by JBL. No person covered by this policy shall participate as a volunteer until he/she is approved by JBL to participate. Individuals and organizations failing to comply with this policy may be precluded from any and all league activities.

3. Disqualifying Offenses

To serve as a youth sports volunteer, a person shall not have been found guilty of the following offenses:

a. All sex offenses regardless of the amount of time since the offense. Examples include, but are not limited to: child molestation, rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, sodomy, prostitution, solicitation, and indecent exposure.

b. All felony violence offenses regardless of the amount of time since the offense. Examples include, but are not limited to: murder, manslaughter, aggravated assault, kidnapping, robbery, and aggravated battery.

c. All felony offenses within the past ten (10) years (other than those that are violent or sexual in nature). Examples include, but are not limited to drug offenses, theft, embezzlement, fraud, and child endangerment.

d. All misdemeanor violence offenses within the past seven (7) years. Examples include, but are not limited to simple assault, battery, domestic violence, hit and run and any offenses related to the mistreatment of or cruelty to animals.

e. All misdemeanor drug-related offenses within the past five (5) years or multiple (more than one) offenses in the past ten (10) years. Examples include, but are not limited to: driving under the influence (DUI), simple drug possession, and possession of drug paraphernalia.

f. Multiple (more than one) misdemeanor alcohol-related offenses within the past five (5) years or more than three (3) offenses in the past ten (10) years. Examples include, but are not limited to: driving while intoxicated (DWI), drunk and disorderly conduct, and public intoxication.

g. Other offenses, whether misdemeanor or felony, within the past fifteen (15) years that would be considered a potential danger to children participating in JBL. Examples include, but are not limited to: contributing to the delinquency of a minor, child endangerment, and aiding and abetting a minor to commit a violation of the law. In addition, a person arrested or charged with the offenses listed above shall not be permitted to participate as a JBL volunteer while awaiting the disposition of the case.

4. General

The list of disqualifying offenses contained in this policy is for illustrative purposes only and shall not be construed as a limitation on those criminal activities, violations, or other acts that JBL determines would be grounds to disqualify a person from assisting with youth sports programs. If there is a reasonable doubt as to the question of whether the volunteer meets the criteria set forth in this policy, JBL will err on the side of the safety of children rather than placing children at risk.

5. Definition of Guilty

For the purpose of this policy, guilty means that a person was convicted following a trial; or entered a guilty or nolo contendere (no contest) plea, regardless of whether there was an adjudication of guilt or a withholding of adjudication. This definition does not include criminal charges which resulted in the successful completion of a pre-trial intervention program where there was no plea to the charge; acquittal; nolleprosse; dismissal; or expungement of all charges. In addition to being found guilty as defined in this paragraph, having facts that the applicant committed or admitted to committing one of the excluding offenses in paragraph 3 above, which are in the possession of JBL and after the presentation to the applicant, resulting in a finding that the applicant committed the offenses beyond the preponderance of the evidence, will also be grounds to exclude such applicant from participating in JBL activities as a volunteer.

6. Offenses Following Approval

Any volunteer determined eligible to participate in youth sports and subsequently arrested, charged, committed, and/or found guilty of any disqualifying offense (as defined above) shall immediately (within one (1) calendar day) notify JBL. The volunteer shall be immediately removed from the voluntary position until the official disposition of the case is reviewed by the JBL Executive Committee. Failure to notify JBL immediately shall result in the volunteer being disqualified for participation in youth sports programs for a minimum of ten (10) years from the date the failure to notify was discovered.

7. Appeals Process

If a volunteer’s criminal background includes actions or a charge set forth on the list of disqualifying offenses above, JBL shall immediately disqualify him/her from volunteering and shall send written notification of the disqualification to the individual if requested. There shall be no appeal of a decision to disqualify a volunteer if the relevant criminal history or factual evidence is accurate. All decisions shall be final. If a volunteer wishes to dispute the accuracy of the criminal history or evidence in the possession of JBL, the volunteer shall contact the JBL Executive Committee, within ten (10) calendar days by submitting all matters for consideration in writing. The volunteer shall be responsible for providing all documentation to support his/her claim.

8. Prior Disclosure

It is important that any question regarding criminal history be answered completely and truthfully when completing the volunteer application or other required documents. Failure to do so shall be considered negligent or an intentional effort to conceal information and shall result in the denial of the privilege to serve as a volunteer.

9. Review Process

The background screening process is an ongoing process and shall be subject to review and changes by the Junior Buckeye League Executive Committee at any time.

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